Purpose of collecting and using personal information : Consultation for tests or outsourcing of tests.

Personal information collected : Name, password, contact information, company name, department, position, email.
Retention and usage period : Information will be retained for 6 months after processing the inquiry, then disposed of.
Procedure and method for the destruction of personal information.
The company will promptly destroy the collected personal information once the purpose of collection and use has been achieved.
The procedure and method for destruction are as follows.
       - Destruction Procedure: The information provided by users for inquiries is transferred to a separate database (or filing cabinet in the case of paper) after the purpose is
              achieved. It is then stored for a certain period according to internal policies and other relevant laws for information protection purposes before being destroyed.
         The personal information transferred to a separate database is not used for any purposes other than those permitted by law.
       - Method of Destruction: Personal information stored in electronic file format is deleted using technology that renders the records irreproducible.
Our company collects only the minimum personal information necessary for using the service. Failure to input the required personal information may result in limitations on
           service usage.


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